

Friday, January 22, 2010

We miss everyone and wanted to say Thank you to everyone who has been giving us such amazing prayer support!! We also want to thank everyone for their cards, emails, facebook messages, and gifts for Ben. It has been a tremendous blessing to our family to be supported by such an amazing number of people. We can see God working everyday to heal Ben and to open doors to starting our new life here in Kentucky!!
We love you all so much
The Beardens

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Today's was Crazy

We had an appointment first thing for Ben this morning so we went to Louisville last night so we didn't have to drive really early because it seems to wear Ben out and he was scheduled for eight hours for this treatment. We had a wonderful evening that we were able to spend with some old friends that I know from Phoenix who live in Louisville now. Matt and I walked away blessed and encouraged from our evening with them and went to stay the night at the Ronald Mc'Donald House. For anyone who doesn't know the Ronald Mc'Donald House is a wonderful non-profit organization that provides hotel style rooms for a low or sometimes free rate for people who have family at the hospital who are far from home. Louisville is about one and a half hours to two hours away plus a one hour time difference so it is nice to be able to have somewhere to stay when we have the all day appointments because we have to be there so early in the morning.
Unfortunately when Ben got his blood drawn on Monday his ANC was 1200 but this morning it was had dropped to 735. His count has to be at least 750 to start this next round so we were sent home and we will try again on Monday. This is the first delay we have had in Ben's treatments and instead of being discouraged we are praising God for our blessing's he has provided because this is the first delay we have had so far. From what our Doctor said this morning this is very rare most families experience at least three or four delay's in the beginning phases so we truly are blessed so far.

We continue to try to take each day and look at the joy God is providing!! Pray for us that Ben will continue on this path that God has laid before us of healing and that we can grow stronger in Him each day.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Kentucky Update

The last three weeks have flown by at such an amazing pace that I am just feeling crazy. Christmas was a very nice time spent with Sean & Jo, Ben & Val and all the kids. Matt's parents came to visit and the kids of course loved their time with them. It was a full house for sure but we had so much fun. It snowed over the last few days and the kids thought it was great!! It was a really pretty sight.
I got a horrible stomach flu with a high fever last week and we were praying that ben would not catch it. He seems to have gotten a touch of it but nothing as bad as what I went through so we are blessed that he did not have to stay at the hospital.
Ben is doing well with this phase of treatment that he started three weeks ago. He finished his second round of steroids two days ago and his appetite is starting to go down again. Ben did not gain as much weight as the first time he was on them but he is a little chubby this time. Monday and today Ben had to have his ANC checked because his next Chemo session that was scheduled for this upcoming Monday could be done. Unfortunately his count was not high enough so he will not be having a treatment on Monday. We will have to get his count checked again everyday until it comes up high enough. It is sad that he will have to have his finger poked everyday but he is a little trooper. He also loves to get suckers, but he never forgets to bring one home for Olivia. Such a thoughtful little guy :)

I will be coming to Phoenix with Olivia on the 25th thru the 1st. I have some work to do to prepare the business for the tax season. I am sad it will be so short a time but I am hoping to visit many of our phoenix family and friends. We miss you so much and still feel so supported with all the lovely messages and emails and notes we get in the mail. We do have a new phone number and mailing address so if you want to update our info drop me an email at and I will send you our info.

Love always Jamie

Love you all Jamie
