We made it into the new year with little trouble. We had a wonderful time in Phoenix visiting all our Family and Friends. We got sick while we were their but the Lord protected Ben and he barely got sick even when everyone else was running fevers! We were a little sad that because of getting sick we didn't get to see everyone we wanted to see but we love you all and Thank you for making our visit so much fun!
The drive back to Kentucky went well! My cousin Lacey drove with me and we had so much fun....We laughed so hard almost the whole way and just had a blessed time together! We had to drive home on the I-10 instead of the I-40 because of bad weather, but the drive we had was perfect and we had sunshine days all the way home!
Ben had an appointment two days ago on Wednesday! Because of the cold/flu we all just had his numbers dropped from 3300 to 300! He is fine and their is no immediate danger. He recieved his Vinchristine in his port on wednesday but his two chemo drugs he takes in pill form at home they have stopped until his numbers come back up. He will have CBCs done next Tuesday to check if his meds can be started again!
I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a great New Year!!