

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sick This Morning!!!

Ben woke up barfing this morning and not feeling well at all...soooooo after an hour long hot shower,Toy Story 2 snuggled on the couch, ginger ale, saltines and graham crackers he is feeling better. He is really pale today but this always tends to last the entire day on his bad days. He says his stomach doesn't hurt anymore and after the movie he got up and started to play again!! We will pray that he is feeling better tomorrow!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Prayers!!

Hello everyone,

Today is a day that I can be so thankful to the Lord that I started this blog and that so many people follow it and have joined us in prayer for Ben's needs and for ours too!! I feel the Lord so stronger in our lives everyday and I am so thankful to be able to see Ben and Olivia grow stronger in Him every day. To see the strength and courage that Ben shows us daily is so amazing! I know his story will be one that will impact people throughout his life. Even now we can use Ben's story to help someone new!

I have recently found out that someone we know through our family has a 6 year old son that has been diagnosed with Leukemia. Please pray for this family!! Pray for strength, comfort, and guidance. We know all to well what this initial shock is like and we know this family needs the power of prayer.

Thanks Everyone


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

We Moved!!

Every time I move I say I dislike it so much that I am never going to do it again! Then I move again... :)

We had a successful move and every night I get a little more laundry done (didn't have the washer and dryer hooked up for a couple of days) and a little more stuff put away.

Ben had a great Doctor's appointment last Wednesday!! His Spinal Tap went great and is still clear of all Leukemic Cells!!! I continue to praise the Lord for giving us these wonderful test results. Ben is tired this week but he is doing good!!! Matt and I both have new jobs...mine is part-time and we found a great and wonderful lady to watch the kids who only watches a small number of children. The kids absolutely love going to her house and being with other kids. I am so happy that Ben and Olivia have a couple of other kids to play with in a good environment because they have really been missing the interaction with other children. Ben has been doing so well and his numbers have been so consistent that we felt it was a good time. Of course if this starts to be a problem for Ben and his ANCs then we will not continue. But so far it is going well and his Sitter has experience with Ben's circumstances so we will continue to pray that the Lord will give us the clear guidance that he has been providing!!

Thank you all for your prayers and continueing support!! It means so much to us. Here is a link to a neat video my Aunt shared! I can only pray that Ben has the amazing outlook and awesome attitude that this man had!
