

Monday, September 21, 2009


Hello Everyone,

Today was Ben's first Clinic appointment since we were released from the hospital. It went so good. Ben's red blood and platelets were up in normal levels. He did not need a transfusion today we are so happy. His ANC (white blood cells mutiplied by his neutriphils) was 2912. The day we were released from the hospital it was 126!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is such good news for us, it indicates that everything is going so well. Ben had another spinal tap and another bone marrow asperation today also. We will not have the results for that until later today or early tomorrow. This will be his last bone marrow asperation for a while. They gave us a prescription for another Chemo drug today. We will fill this prescription today and bring it back to his appointment next week so they can instruct us on how to give it to him. This will be one that we do from home and he will still be recieving the weekly treatment of vinchristine (his current Chemo drug). Ben finished his steroid treatment on Saturday and he will now begin to drop back down to a normal weight. This will be good because it really has been making his day to day life a little more difficult also his mood swings will go away now that he is off the steroids.
So far the homeopathic remedies we have been using to boost Olivia's and our immune systems has been working well. She had a runny nose and we were a little worried but he gave us remedies for teething runny nose and allergies. The allergy medicine cleared up the runny nose and has not been back since :) We are also taking immune boosters to prevent us from getting sick so we don't spread anything to Benjamin.

Thank you so much for your prayers. Keep it up because the Lord is responding to your faithfulness!

Love Jamie

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