Yesterday Ben had another Platelet transfusion so he could have another lumbar puncture (spinal tap) where they would also inject his spinal fluid with another Chemo treatment & also so he could have another bone marrow asperation so they can assess how the Chemo is working. The Chemo made him tired and quiet again, he didn't really talk much and stayed in bed most of the day.
Today they tested all the levels in his blood and although his platets were in good numbers his red blood count was down very low again so they gave him a red blood transfusion this morning. He napped for several hours today and when he woke up he was rested and the transfusion was finished so he felt much better. We walked around our floor because he is not aloud of our floor without a mask and he didn't want to wear a mask. Honestly though I am glad he doesn't because I don't really want him wandering the hospital anyway :). They had to start giving him a stool softner because one of the Chemo drugs call Vinchristine really makes it hard for him to go. We are praying that we will be able to counteract this once we get home with a really good diet so that he will not have to be on stool softners all the time.
Olivia went to Uncle Tim and Aunt Carol's yesterday. Ben (denny) slept at the hospital with little Ben last night so Matt and I could spend the evening together with Olivia. I think it really helped her to have a night with us. Valerie picked her up this morning with Baby Jack and took her to church with her and then home with her for the night. I stayed with Ben today and Matt slept now I am going to rest tonight and Matt will stay the night with Ben tonight.
We are praying that we get to go home tomorrow. It all depends on insurance so pray for us. I think Ben will do much better when we get him home. He has told us several times now that he thinks he is in trouble and that is why he is not aloud to go home with Mama, Daddy and Sissy. It makes me sad that he doesn't understand but I am praying that God keeps him comforted when I cannot.
Matt and I wanted to thank everybody. It is so hard to even keep up with all the people praying, babysitting, bringing food, visiting Ben, do laundry, cleaning our house....just to name a few. I want you to know that we are grateful for every one of you and all that you do. We are thanking God daily for the blessing of love we are recieving from you. Thank you so much.
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