

Monday, August 24, 2009


Today is my Birthday and I wanted to let you all know that I logged on to facebook and cannot believe how overwhelming it was to see all the birthday wishes. So overwhelming in fact that I feel like I must share with you my thoughts & prayers this morning.

For years now I have disliked my Birthday. I used to like it very much but then things kept happening around my Birthday that brought me down. My dear sweet nephew passed away one year and he was so special to many of us. A good friend of mine commited suicide two years after that. Last year Matt was diagnosed with his Cancer the day after my birthday and now everything with Ben. This was making sad this morning so I found a small window of quiet time this morning before I took my shower and got ready to go today. I prayed that God would begin to heal my hate for my Birthday and I need to tell you that he softened my heart today when I got my Birthday wishes on facebook. Thank you so much for the encouragement you guys are wonderful. I am looking forward to celebrating my birthday this evening in a little hospital room with my husband and my sweet, sweet baby boy!

I love you all so much!


  1. Jamie, Matt, Ben and Olivia,

    You all are in our prayers and my heart truly goes out to you. I know what you are experiencing is beyond measure but I am so thankful to see clear evidence of your strong relationship with the Lord. He brought you to it and He will bring you through it.

    I know this is not the ideal birthday but nonetheless, I hope that you can make the best of it.

    I also want you to know what a blessing your posts have been to me. While they have brought me to tears, the strength of your faith, has me praising God for what He can do in the heart of someone who loves, respects, fears, and BELIEVES in Him!

    Thank you for your faith and testifying to that faith by sharing it with us.

    Our love for you all,

    Joe, Steph, Lane, and Kellsye

  2. Jamie, Ben and family,
    You are all in our prayers here in colorado, My prayer for Ben today is that he will have the very best nursing staff caring for him, I believe our trials are not only for us, but for those around us watching. Jamie you are a wonderful mother Ben is so blessed. We love you all so much sweet family. Rest in him tonight
    Sonia, Dave and kids

  3. Dear Matthew and Jamie,
    I want you know that hardly an hour goes by that I do not think of you and sent a prayer heavenward. Matthew, it almost takes my breath away when I look at Ben--he is such an image of you at that age. Please know that we are seperated only by the miles our hearts are with you. I know how fearful it must be but I have talked to Rita and she shares of your strength. What a blessing you have been to many and soon you will be able to comfort others who will walk the same path you are now upon--and will be able to comfort as only one who has been there can. I hope that all of you rest well tonight. May our loving Father hold you very close and may He rock "Baby Ben" to a restful night of rest.
    Nancy Harmon

  4. Jamie
    Happy Birthday! I am missing all of you tonight and wanting to be near. God keeps bringing this snippet of scripture to mind for you "You are fearfully and wonderfully made" and also Psalm 23 which has comforted me since early childhood. I love you! Mommmmmmmmmmm

  5. Jamie,
    Good night and happy birthday. I was blessed by your moms words. I love you

