Yesterday was a good day! Ben got a lot of rest that he needed, we asked to be moved to a different room that would be more quiet. The room we were in had an older boy who stayed up late so Ben wasn't really sleeping good at all. He took two naps yesterday and slept okay through the night. It is hard for him to sleep great because they come in every two hours to check his vitals and it usually wakes him up.
Ben had to have platelets last night because his count was low again. His NP (nuetraphils{white blood cells}) was only 30. They told us a child who is not sick with Leukemia would be above 5000!! He may or may not reach zero but either way he is immune system is really low right now.
My sister went home wednesday and my mom left monday. My dad is leaving this upcoming Monday and my Mother-in-law will be leaving on Sunday. We are so grateful they came to be with us it was such a blessing.
Yesterday we had to wait for the platelets because they had a shortage and could not get them to Ben right away. We found out that at times they do not have blood or platelets in the whole state and have to wait until they can be shipped. This worried us a bit and we are beginning to research more about blood drives or even just knowing if some people out there have the same blood type as Ben so we can call if needed. We are still learning about this so we will let you know if their is a need. They have let us know that they prefer that donors don't specify it for Ben only because blood is given expiration dates, but also if it is not specified for him then it can still be on shortage because the blood can be sent anywhere in the nation so we are not sure what we will do but the nurses told us that just in the last month they have had shortages that required blood to be shipped from another state. This only is a concern if Ben has any problems and needs an emergency transfusion if his levels are really low like when he was first admitted. Pray for us that God gives us the info we need on this. I will posting all the pictures on Facebook that Rita (mom-in-law) has taken since we have been in the hospital!
Thank you for your prayers!
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