

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Chicken Pox

Last Wednesday Ben was exposed to the Chicken Pox. On Friday Matt took him to Cincinnati Children's to be given and IV infusion. The infusion is called IVIG and gives Ben antibodies to be able to fight off the Chicken Pox if he does get them. Our prayer is of course that he does not. If he does come down with the Chicken Pox he will have to stay in the hospital the entire time he has it. With the IVIG infusion the average time is one week to 10 days. So really not that much longer than he would have it anyway.

Please pray for us. Getting the chicken pox is never fun for anyone, but it can be very dangerous for leukemia kids. We have to wait 21 days to be sure that he is past the point of getting it. Unfortunately we are supposed to be leaving in 23 days for Florida to go to Disney World for Ben's Make-A-Wish trip.

We love you all and Thank you so much for you prayers.

